Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation

Hi, I'm Julie 

A Certified Regenerative Health Practitioner and Holistic Nutritionist.

I'm on a mission to debunk health misinformation
and empower individuals with the knowledge to make informed health decisions.

Because I care (a lot)

Healing isn't linear, it takes time and commitment but is truly worth it.

I became a Regenerative Health Practitioner for one reason: 
To cut through the noise and share what works.


Because here’s the thing, true healing encompasses the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions each requiring equal attention, care, and love. But with the amount of misinformation in the health space, it’s hard to make the right choice for your health. 

I believe every person deserves a chance to heal and live their best life, without spending thousands of dollars on things that don’t work.

My goal as a health practitioner is to make natural ways of healing accessible to everyone. After spending thousands of dollars trying to heal my chronic health issues, I understand how frustrating it can be.

In September of 2012, my world crumbled when my husband suddenly succumbed to a heart attack. Little did I realize at that devastating moment that the shock and trauma would unleash a cascade of health challenges in the weeks, months, and years to come. 

In 2014, the weight of my grief manifested physically as I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. Prescribed medication seemed like my only lifeline, leaving me feeling defeated. In a short time, I transformed from a fitness enthusiast, size 2, to someone immobilized by pain throughout my body, grappling with a 50-pound weight gain, depression, chronic pain, and persistent brain fog. 

The turning point was Halloween in 2017. A car accident was my wake up call. I finally realized I needed to take my health into my own hands. Determined to reclaim control of my life, I ventured back to school for health coaching. Yet, the journey unveiled a realization – I needed a more profound understanding so I pursued various nutrition certifications and eventually found my sanctuary in Regenerative Health. 

From this experience, I successfully reversed my Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's and freed myself from medication. 

My goal is to help as many people as possible understand and experience that the body is self-healing. I couldn't help my late husband at the time and I can't bring him back now, but with the tools I have learned I know if someone came to me with the same symptoms he had, I could help them reverse advanced heart disease. 

I'm deeply passionate about helping others to address the root causes of illness.

I’ve coached hundreds of people to health leveraging their body’s natural abilities to heal and 100% of the people who choose to follow my protocols get better

I don’t believe in quick fixes or diet fads when it comes to your health.

True health requires a holistic approach including the mind, body, and spirit. Our body
has the innate ability to heal itself if provided the opportunity to do so.

But before we can heal, we need to understand that healing doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years of chemical exposure, toxic substances, and poor diet choices for our bodies to become ill or diseased.

So making a change requires commitment.

My approach to healing is rooted in science and my programs focus on implementing healthy habits for a
sustainable transformation. I take pride in continuous research and education to help you navigate the never-ending misinformation in the health space.

I am dedicated to providing the tools for you to take control of your health and heal, you just need to decide to apply them. 

I believe in you.




Co-author of “The Courage To Change” - an Amazon Bestseller in the Motivation category!

Stop struggling and start living!

Anything is possible with enough determination.

If you're ready to take control and get your life back, then let's schedule a call to see if my private or group coaching is the best fit for you.

I’m here to help you make a change.